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Buyers and breeders can utilize this questionnaire to either select or promote their farm as breeding with H.E.A.R.T. We've created this form to give goat enthusiasts a way to connect with like-minded farms that are dedicated to promoting the breeding and raising of high-quality miniature dairy goats. Download it at the link below.
Health - Feed and water, Environment, Veterinary Care, Inspection, Biosecurity, Genetic Testing, Other Diseases, Husbandry, and Other Procedures
Education – Continuing Education, Mentor Program
Accountability – References, Business Practices, Sales Agreement, Record Keeping
Responsibility – Code of Conduct, Improving the Mini Breeds, Parentage - DNA, USDA Scrapie Requirements, Transportation
Tradition - Performance Programs
*TMM has provided this form to the general public as a tool. TMM does not offer any assurances or guarantees for buyers or breeders utilizing this form. All herds are managed differently, and TMM is not making any statements on how herds should be managed.
Texas Mini Milkers is a non-profit organization whose purpose shall be the development and promotion of the Miniature Dairy Goat breeds.
HEART Breeder (pdf)
DownloadTexas Mini Milkers, formerly the Hill Country Mini Milkers, is a non-profit organization whose purpose shall be the development and promotion of the Miniature Dairy Goat breeds; the encouragement of closer fellowship among the members through meetings, correspondence, circulation of useful information, news and ideas, and the cooperation with other organizations in the promotion and development of the Dairy Goat Industry in general.
The goals of the Texas Mini Milkers (TMM) shall be:
· To develop and promote Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas.
· To help promote the breeding and raising of high-quality Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas.
· To educate the public as to the value of Miniature Dairy Goats and dairy goat products.
· To educate the club members in all phases of dairy goat husbandry.
· To extend membership in the club to all owners and breeders of Miniature Dairy Goats, and others interested in Miniature Dairy Goats.
· To promote and encourage the exhibition of all Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas with MDGA Sanctioned Shows.
· To encourage club member participation and involvement in national registration organizations. i.e. ADGA, MDGA and TMGR.
· To develop youth interest in Miniature Dairy Goats and their knowledge of Miniature Dairy Goat production by partnering with organizations such as FFA and 4-H.
Goat friends are the best kind of friends! Connect with fellow goat enthusiasts, and develop friendships that will last a life time!
Why should I join?
We are a club for Miniature Dairy Goat enthusiasts from all of Texas and surrounding states. Our plan is to have several chapters across Texas which will host meetings and shows in Texas. We hope this will increase accessibility to shows for members all across Texas and surrounding states.
Is this club for all Miniature Dairy Goats, or just Mini Nubians?
This club is for every Mini breed! While the founders are Mini Nubian breeders, the club is open to everyone! We would love to be able to put on MDGA Sanctioned shows for all breeds represented in Texas.
I already paid my $25 to MDGA…now you want another $25 to join Texas Mini Milkers?
Memberships are $25 and are good for one calendar year. Being a newer goat club and trying to put on several shows across Texas, there are lots of expenses that require funding. We also want to bring continued value to members through educational programs, meetings, and robust website content.
How can I participate in the club?
We have several committees and we are always welcoming of members to join a committee that interests them, and help out!
I’m not interested in attending live shows. What else will the club do for me?
Shows and education are our two primary goals. We are looking to put on Dairy Goat Field Days – topics are abundant and not limited to: A.I. clinic, grooming clinic, mastitis clinic (udder health), kidding clinic, conformation clinic, introduction to mini breeds, parasite clinic, goat health seminar, dairy products and much, much more.
I don’t have any goats yet. Can I join?
Yes! We welcome all goat enthusiasts! What better way to get your feet wet than join our club, and attend our education programs and live shows. You will be exposed to a variety of Miniature Dairy Goat breeds, and you can decide which breed is right for you by interacting with other club members. We will help you learn what you need to know to raise healthy, happy Miniature Dairy goats now or in the future!
What is a miniature dairy goat?
A first generation miniature dairy goat is the product of a standard-sized purebred/American goat bred to a Nigerian Dwarf. Only documented animals with traceable registrations may be used to produce a mini dairy goat registerable in the Experimental, American or Purebred herdbooks. Also, Nigerian Dwarves must be purebred and registered with one of the ND registries.
Further generations of miniature dairy goats are created by breeding minis with other minis. First and second generations of correct miniature goats are registered as “Experimental.” Third through fifth generations that meet the breed standards and the 70/30 rule are registered as “American.” Sixth generation, and beyond, are considered “Purebred” if they meet the breed standard.
Why miniature dairy goats?
Breeders of standard dairy goats have been pushing for greater stature in these breeds for the show ring, resulting in many of the standard dairy goat breeds getting larger in recent years.
Additionally, some people with small acreage are looking for a smaller milk-producing animal to provide a family milk supply. Some larger and smaller cities across the country now allow miniature dairy goats within city limits.
A mini dairy goat can often produce two-thirds the amount of milk that a standard dairy goat produces while consuming half as much feed, which could be helpful as the cost of feed rises. The influence of Nigerian Dwarf genetics may expand the breeding season past the fall months and also may increase the butterfat in the milk.
Children, seniors, and people with disabilities may find the mini breeds easier to handle. Hoof trimming, clipping, showing, and milking become much less of a challenge because of the minis’ smaller size. Also, smaller goats are in demand for the pet market.
Information in this section courtesy of MDGA.
The Miniature Dairy Goat Association was established in 1996 to recognize and provide registry services. It is dedicated to the development and promotion of miniature dairy goat breeds.