2023 Details
Texas Mini Milkers are again partnering with our sister club, South Central Texas Goat Club, to add Mini Nubians to their Deck the Stalls Show. This ADGA/MDGA Sanctioned Show (2 Rings) will take place at the Livestock Barn at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Brenham, Texas on Saturday October 7, 2023.
Judges: Tom Cox and Will Keech
Mini Nubians will slide into the rotation of the ADGA breeds for the two rings. Senior Does in the morning, and Junior Does to follow.
Senior Doe Classes
Under 2 in milk
2 Yrs. Under 3
3 Yrs. Under 4
4 Yrs. Under 5
5 Yrs. and Over
Grand Champion Senior Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe
Best Udder
Junior Doe Classes
Under 3 months
3 months under 6
6 months under 9
9 months under 12
12 months under 18
18 months under 24
Grand Champion Junior Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe
Show Chair: Kerry O'Neal
Show Secretary: Alyssa Downs
Contact us at info@texasminimilkers.org with any questions!
South Central Texas Goat Club website.
The Facebook Event site will have the latest info and discussion on the show! Mark yourself as GOING to stay in the know!
Show Entries will be handled by the SCTGC.
Entry Form below. Email in and send payment via PayPal.
1305 East Blue Bell Road, Brenham, Texas 77833, United States
Introducing the Texas Mini Milkers Dance Across Texas Point Series!
A thrilling MDGA dairy goat show series across Texas, where farms and youth exhibitors compete for titles, prizes, and bragging rights!