Texas Mini Milkers is a non-profit organization whose purpose shall be the development and promotion of the Miniature Dairy Goat breeds; the encouragement of closer fellowship among the members through meetings, correspondence, circulation of useful information, news and ideas, and the cooperation with other organizations in the promotion and development of the Dairy Goat Industry in general.
The goals of the Texas Mini Milkers (TMM) shall be:
· To develop and promote Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas.
· To help promote the breeding and raising of high-quality Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas.
· To educate the public as to the value of Miniature Dairy Goats and dairy goat products.
· To educate the club members in all phases of dairy goat husbandry.
· To extend membership in the club to all owners and breeders of Miniature Dairy Goats, and others interested in Miniature Dairy Goats.
· To promote and encourage the exhibition of all Miniature Dairy Goats in Texas with MDGA Sanctioned Shows.
· To encourage club member participation and involvement in national registration organizations. i.e. ADGA, MDGA and TMGR.
· To develop youth interest in Miniature Dairy Goats and their knowledge of Miniature Dairy Goat production by partnering with organizations such as FFA and 4-H.
Our main goal is to improve the Miniature Dairy Goat through proper training and education of new and seasoned goat owners.
Live shows can be a wonderful way to publicize your herd and receive an unbiased evaluation of your animals.
Introducing the Texas Mini Milkers Dance Across Texas Point Series!
A thrilling MDGA dairy goat show series across Texas, where farms and youth exhibitors compete for titles, prizes, and bragging rights!