2025 Details
Texas Mini Milkers present the West Texas Waltz! This ADGA/MDGA Sanctioned Show (3 Rings) will take place at the Andrews County Expo Arena in Andrews, Texas on Saturday and Sunday September 13-14, 2025.
Judges: Kimberly Fullen, Elizabeth Henning, and Lorelei Hallock.
Senior Doe Classes
Under 2 in milk
2 Yrs. Under 3
3 Yrs. Under 4
4 Yrs. Under 5
5 Yrs. and Over
Grand Champion Senior Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe
Best Udder
Junior Doe Classes
Under 3 months
3 months under 6
6 months under 9
9 months under 12
12 months under 18
18 months under 24
Grand Champion Junior Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe
Buck Classes
Show Chair: Amber Alexander
Contact us at info@texasminimilkers.org with any questions!
The Facebook Event site will have the latest info and discussion on the show! Mark yourself as GOING to stay in the know!
Enter in the Showman App - Coming Soon!
If you aren't showing any goats but want to come help out and be part of the fun, please register as a volunteer! We need all the help we can get pulling off a great show! Thank you!
Volunteer Form: https://airtable.com/shr3CxtRu4dMweegW
We have sponsorship opportunties for everyone....Corporate and Exhibitors! Click below to learn more about the options and benefits.
Andrews County Expo, 817-1239 Texas 176, Andrews, Texas 79714, United States
Introducing the Texas Mini Milkers Dance Across Texas Point Series!
A thrilling MDGA dairy goat show series across Texas, where farms and youth exhibitors compete for titles, prizes, and bragging rights!